*** SWAOG ***
South West Astronomy Observers Group

Godspeed Mike Ruffolo!!   

    The SWAOG Flag proudly
    displayed at Astrofest 2006
This page is updated frequently, so keep checking back! (and remember to refresh your browser)


Our name is the South West Astronomy Observers Group.  We are a group of astronomical observers and Ham Radio operators in the Chicago Metropolitan Area who like to go observing and share our hobby via Amateur Radio.  We meet on the DuPage  (DARC)  Repeater - 145.430 MHz. (TX offset -600KHz. / 107.2 Hz. PL) every Thursday evening at 8:30 PM  to discuss our wonderful hobby of astronomy, and plan observing sessions.
The Astronomy Net was founded in February 2001 by Mark - KB9WLX, and is open to all licensed Amateur Radio Operators (Hams).   3rd party traffic is permitted, providing it's done as per FCC rules.   If you have children in the shack, we'd love to hear from them as well!   All Ham Radio Operators are welcome to check in and participate in the net, you DO NOT have to be an astronomer to participate.   Just check in, listen, and learn if you'd like!   Astronomical data reports and other interesting astronomy-related reports are given each week by the Net Control Operator.   Hams that have checked in can exchange any information they may have about astronomy related activities & events, and share any observing experiences that they have had.   Articles, reports, and astronomy discussion sessions are usually provided.   We frequently have some of our listeners check in with live, up-to-the-minute, observing reports during the Net!    Listening to the net on a scanner?   Scroll down to see how you can check in via e-mail!    Interesting astronomy-related web sites can also be shared with the group.   Astronomy-related Product Reviews are also encouraged to help our fellow astronomers make informed purchases!


On the next edition of the Astronomy Net:
*Learn about astronomy and get help with your equipment and observing skills.  The group will try to answer most of your questions!
*Participate in 'live'  ISS and Iridium Flare Observations!  (when available)
*Listen for interesting & informative astronomy-related Reports and Segments.
*Reports or segments on astronomy are welcomed and encouraged from any members of our listening audience.  Please feel free to share your information with the group on the Weekly Astronomy Net!
* Listen and see if you can answer the "Astronomy Trivia Questions of the Week" (when available)

           Rest in Peace Scanner Chuck!    Godspeed!!

             Click here for Chuck's Memorial Page

    George's (K9GA) Red Moon with a star to the right  >>>


CLICK HERE for the latest pictures on the SWAOG Astro-Photos Page!


Visit the...    SWAOG Astro-Swap Page





Important SWAOG News!!



SWAOG Adler Planetarium Trip

The 2019 SWAOG Adler Planetarium Trip was Saturday, Nov. 23rd!   



We didn't get a group photo this year, this photo was from a previous year's event.

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Let's start planning for our next pizza party, hopefully sometime in 2023!



View our 2011 Pizza Party Page!

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IMPORTANT Astronomy Information!!

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Cloudynights Magnitude 7 Star Charts (link provided by Scanner Dave #1)

(PDFs require free Adobe Reader  )

SWAOG Earth Size Comparison Page (with info provided by Terry - KW9L)

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CLICK HERE for pictures from the Girl Scout Night held on January 27th, 2007

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See the report on Asteroid 126749 that Dave - KC9KPQ shared on the 8/2/07 Astronomy Net

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CLICK HERE for pictures from the SWAOG Presentation at the DARC Meeting on August 27th, 2007

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CAS and SWAOG Members Answer a Call for Help from Several Suburban Chicago Cub Scout and Boy Scout Troops!


Upcoming Observing Highlights for July 2024!  (from skymaps.com)
1 Moon near Mars at 17h UT (54° from Sun, morning sky). Mag. 1.0.
Mars (Wikipedia)
2 Moon near Uranus at 9h UT (45° from Sun, morning sky). Mag. 5.8.
Uranus (Wikipedia)
2 Moon near the Pleiades at 17h UT (41° from Sun, morning sky).
The Pleiades (Wikipedia)
3 Moon near Jupiter at 7h UT (morning sky). Mag. −2.0.
Jupiter (Wikipedia)
5 Earth at Aphelion (farthest from Sun) at 6h UT. The Sun- Earth distance is 1.016725 a.u. or about 152.1 million km.
Earth at Aphelion (SpaceWeather.com)
5 Dwarf planet 1 Ceres at opposition at 15h UT. Mag. 7.3.
Ceres (Wikipedia)
5 New Moon at 22:58 UT. Start of lunation 1256.
7 Mercury 0.11° NNE of Beehive Cluster (M44) at 5h UT (22° from Sun, evening sky). Mag. −0.2.
7 Moon, Mercury and Beehive cluster (M44) within circle 3.2° diameter at 19h UT (evening sky). Mag. −0.2.
Beehive Cluster (Wikipedia)
M44: The Beehive Cluster (APOD)
7 Moon near Mercury at 21h UT (23° from Sun, morning sky). Mag. -0.2.
Mercury (Wikipedia)
9 Moon near Regulus at 15h UT (evening sky).
9 Jupiter 4.8° N of Aldebaran at 23h UT (38° from Sun, morning sky). Mags. −2.0 and 0.9.
12 Moon at apogee (farthest from Earth) at 8h UT (distance 404,362km; angular size 29.6').
13 First Quarter Moon at 22:49 UT.
14 Moon near Spica at 4h UT (evening sky). Occultation visible from North and Central America.
Spica (Wikipedia)
Occultation of Spica (In-The-Sky)
15 Mars 0.53° SE of Uranus at 15h UT (57° from Sun, morning sky). Mags. 0.9 and 5.8.
17 Moon near Antares at 21h UT (evening sky). Occultation visible from Southern Africa and Madagascar.
Antares (Wikipedia)
Occultation of Antares (In-The-Sky)
21 Full Moon at 10:19 UT.
21 Mars 4.8° SE of the Pleiades at 12h UT (59° from Sun, morning sky). Mag. 0.9
22 Mercury at greatest elongation east at 7h UT (27° from Sun, evening sky). Mag. 0.5.
22 Pluto at opposition at 21h UT. Mag. 14.4. Requires at least a 10-inch telescope and a very dark sky to observe visually.
Pluto (Wikipedia)
24 Moon at perigee (closest to Earth) at 5:44 UT (distance 364,917km; angular size 32.7').
24 Moon near Saturn at 21h UT (morning sky). Mag. 0.9. Occultation visible from SE Asia, India and Madagascar.
Saturn (Wikipedia)
Disappearance and Reappearance Times (IOTA)
Occultation of Saturn (In-The-Sky)
25 Mercury 2.1° SW of Regulus at 11h UT (27° from Sun, evening sky). Mag. 1.4
28 Last Quarter Moon at 2:53 UT.
29 Moon near the Pleiades at 23h UT (67° from Sun, morning sky).
30 Moon near Mars at 9h UT (morning sky). Mag. 0.9.
30 Moon near the Jupiter at 23h UT (morning sky). Mag. −2.1.
31 Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks. Active from July 12 to August 23. Produces medium speed, faint meteors (about 15 to 20 per hour). Best seen from southern latitudes.
Southern Delta Aquariids (Wikipedia)
AMS Meteor Shower Calendar 2024-2025 (IMO)

>>> All times in Universal Time (UT).    USA Central Standard Time = UT-6 hours.  (DST = UT-5 hrs,)

The Zodiacal Light is caused by sunlight reflected off meteoric dust in the plane of the solar system. Choose a clear, moonless night, about 1-2 hours after sunset, and look for a large triangular-shaped glow extending up from the horizon (along the ecliptic). The best months to view the Zodiacal Light is when the ecliptic is almost vertical at the horizon: March and April (evening) and October-November (morning); times reversed for the southern hemisphere.
Zodiacal Light (Wikipedia)
Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD)
Photographing the Zodiacal Light (Weatherscapes)

Major Meteor Showers in 2024  (from Sky & Telescope)
Shower Radiant and direction Morning of maximum Best hourly rate Parent
Quadrantids Boötes (NE) Jan. 4 25-110 2003 EH1
Lyrids* Lyra (E) April 22 10-20+ Thatcher (1861 I)
Eta Aquariids Aquarius (E) May 5-6 20-40 1P/Halley
Delta Aquariids Aquarius (S) July 20 - Aug 15 15 96P/Machholz
Perseids Perseus (NE) Aug. 12 90 109P/Swift-Tuttle
Orionids* Orion (SE) Oct. 21-22 20 1P/Halley
Taurids Taurus (overhead) Oct - Nov 5-10 2P/Encke
Leonids* Leo (E) Nov. 18 10-20 55P/Tempel-Tuttle
Geminids* Gemini (E) Dec. 13, 14 100 3200 Phaethon
Ursids Ursa Minor (N) Dec. 22 10 8P/Tuttle

* Moonlight will wash out fainter meteors in these showers.

Bold Shower Names indicate the best predicted showers! 

The meteor showers listed above are the easiest to observe and provide the most activity. Particular attention should be noted to the time and moonlight conditions. All these showers are best seen after midnight. Some are not even visible until after midnight. Showers that peak with the moon's age between 10 and 20 days will be affected by moonlight and difficult to observe this year. While the time each shower is best seen remains much the same year after year, the moonlight conditions change considerably from one year to the next. 

Please use the form found HERE from the American Meteor Society to report any Meteors that you see.    Instructions on how to complete the form can be found HERE.


 * * *  IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!  * * *   Learn about the latest solar predictions from the AAS Solar Physics Division 


Moon Phases for Chicago, Illinois, USA in 2024

Lunation New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Third Quarter
1249             3-Jan 21:30
1250 11-Jan 5:57 17-Jan 21:52 25-Jan 11:54 2-Feb 17:18
1251 9-Feb 16:59 16-Feb 9:00 24-Feb 6:30 3-Mar 9:23
1252 10-Mar 4:00 16-Mar 23:10 25-Mar 2:00 1-Apr 22:14
1253 8-Apr 13:20 15-Apr 14:13 23-Apr 18:48 1-May 6:27
1254 7-May 22:21 15-May 6:48 23-May 8:53 30-May 12:12
1255 6-Jun 7:37 14-Jun 0:18 21-Jun 20:07 28-Jun 16:53
1256 5-Jul 17:57 13-Jul 17:48 21-Jul 5:17 27-Jul 21:51
1257 4-Aug 6:13 12-Aug 10:18 19-Aug 13:25 26-Aug 4:25
1258 2-Sep 20:55 11-Sep 1:05 17-Sep 21:34 24-Sep 13:49
1259 2-Oct 13:49 10-Oct 13:55 17-Oct 6:26 24-Oct 3:03
1260 1-Nov 7:47 8-Nov 23:55 15-Nov 15:28 22-Nov 19:27
1261 1-Dec 0:21 8-Dec 9:26 15-Dec 3:01 22-Dec 16:18
1262 30-Dec 16:26            
* All times are local time for Chicago. Time is adjusted for DST when applicable. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar.
 Scanner Dave has provided a new list for our  SWAOG Messier Marathon page!  
  Download Scanner Dave's  Lunar "X"  illumination Dates and Times for 2024, HERE!  
   (Bold dates & times are viewing opportunities for those of us in the Chicagoland area!)
  Next good viewing opportunity is: February 16th at 17:49 CST!


 CLICK HERE for Jupiter's Great Red Spot Transition 2024 dates & times -- also provided by Scanner Dave!  


To locate these and other treasures of the night sky,  go to  www.Skymaps.com  and download a  free  copy of their monthly sky chart.
CLICK HERE for a copy of Jeff's Monthly Binocular Objects   There are a few challenging objects this month, as well as some easy ones!  (good for small scopes, too!)    


Six SWAOG Observers,  John - KN9R, Dave - KC9KPQ, Scanner Chuck, Scanner Dave, and Eric - KC9MDO went out to the SWAOG Dark Site for a night of observing on Saturday, Oct. 9th, 2010.   See some pictures and read their report HERE!      See some pictures and story from the 8/31/07 Session HERE!!  
Join us at our next observing session,  the SWAOG observing dates are posted here!
CLICK HERE for a map and directions and to see the sky & viewing conditions for the SWAOG Dark Site!  If you'd like to go observing with us, listen to the DARC Repeater - 145.430 MHz at 7:00 PM  (6:00 PM November thru March)  on the evenings of the scheduled event for the "GO / NO-GO" decisions, as well as further plans & details.






Upcoming Public Observing Sessions:
Public Observing Sessions or 'Public Star Parties' are events where various Astronomy Club members set up their telescopes for the public to look through.   You'll see several different types & designs of telescopes, and some of the nicer objects in the night sky at these events.   If you would like to learn more about astronomy,  plan on attending as many of these sessions as you can . . . especially if you're thinking about purchasing a telescope!!
Upcoming Fox Valley Astronomical Society Public Star Parties are listed HERE
4038 Kaneville Rd., Geneva, IL (free - sponsored by the Fox Valley Astronomical Society  click for info & directions)
Friday, May 17 & Friday, September 13th, 2024 at - Heritage Park in Homer Glen - 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Observing    
14240 W. 151st Street  - Homer Township, IL (free - sponsored by Homer Township)  
(held at Homer Glen's new location - Heritage Park )
Public viewing sessions have resumed.  Check their web page for more info!  -
2000 Fifth Avenue, River Grove, IL (1/2 mile north of North Avenue on Fifth Avenue) 
(provided by the Chicago Astronomical Society  and Cernan staff)
The Little Red Schoolhouse may have observing after their scheduled walks. Check their web page for more info! - The Little Red School House
9800 So. 104th Ave (Flavin / Willow Springs Rd.), Willow Springs, IL (free - sponsored by the Chicago Astronomical Society)
Stargazing has been canceled at - Lake Katherine Nature Center -
We lost a dear friend who ran the Stargazing Events - Joe Mayer - Rest in Peace Joe! 
7402 Lake Katherine Drive, Palos Heights, IL 60463  --  Lake Katherine 2016 Observing Schedule
Take a copy of the monthly sky map with you when you go observing -- go to  www.Skymaps.com  and download a  free  copy of their monthly sky chart.
CLICK HERE for a copy of Jeff's Monthly Binocular Objects take this list out observing with you, too!


Mark Your Calendar!!  (upcoming astronomy events in the Chicago area)

PDFs require free Adobe Reader  


Lights Out / Earth Hour - Saturday, March 23, 2024 / 8:30-9:30 PM Local time!

Switch off all your lights for one hour at 8:30 Local Time.

On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people, organizations, corporations and governments around the world will come together to make a bold statement about their concern for climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour.  In the U.S. where we are already feeling the impacts of climate change, Earth Hour sends a clear message that Americans care about this issue and want to turn the lights out on dirty air, dangerous dependency on foreign oil and costly climate change impacts, and make the switch to cleaner air, a strong economic future and a more secure nation.

Participation is easy.  By flipping off your lights on at 8:30 p.m. local time you will be making the switch to a cleaner, more secure nation and prosperous America.  Find out what else you can do to get involved including leading the Earth Hour movement in your community.


GLOBE AT NIGHT - constellations & dates in 2023


 *** ORION ***     January 13 - 22  February 1 2 - 21 

 *** GEMINI ***     March 1 3 - 22 

 *** LEO ***     April 12 - 21  &  May 11 - 20

 *** BOOTES ***     June 9 - 18  &  July 8 - 17

 *** HERCULES ***     August 7 -  16   

 *** CYGNUS ***     September  5 - 14  &  October  4 - 13 

 *** PEGASUS ***      November  3 - 12  &  December  3 - 12


The GLOBE at Night program is an international citizen-science campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure their night sky brightness and submit their observations to a website from a computer or smart phone. Light pollution threatens not only our “right to starlight”, but can affect energy consumption, wildlife and health. The GLOBE at Night campaign has run for two weeks each winter/spring for the last six years. People in 115 countries have contributed 66,000 measurements, making GLOBE at Night one of the most successful light pollution awareness campaigns.

Check out the new web application data submission process. The GLOBE at Night website is easy to use, comprehensive and holds an abundance of background information. The database is usable for comparisons with a variety of other databases, like how light pollution affects the foraging habits of bats.

Once again the GLOBE at Night Team would like to express their thanks to all the participants who contributed measurements locally to make a global difference.


Globe at Night measurement reporting period has started, check the Globe at Night Reporting web site  for the results!


2023 Star Parties . . .


Bootleg 2023 Spring Star Party - May 18-21! 

  map available HERE

Read a report from the 2007 Boot Leg Astronomerrrr's Star Party HERE

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Michiana Star Party (Dr. TK Lawless Park - Vandalia, MI)

TBD, 2023

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Two Rivers Spring Star Party - TBD, 2023 

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Wisconsin Observers Weekend WOW Star Party -- TBD, 2023

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Bootleg 2022 Fall Star Party - September 14-17!

map available HERE

Read a report from the 2007 Boot Leg Astronomerrrr's Star Party HERE

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Astrofest - waiting for 2023 dates

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  No Prairie Skies Star Party  


The SWAOG is looking for additional Net Control Operators.  Running the Astronomy Net is EASY and FUN!   We have an easy-to-follow script available to help you!   (CLICK HERE to Download a copy of the Astronomy Net Script!)   Please email our Net Control Operators if you would like to volunteer.   We need a few more volunteers to keep the net alive and interesting!   Please consider becoming a Net Control Operator!   (CLICK HERE to download the rotation schedule.)



Net Control Operators
E-mail our Members and Regular Check-ins:
( *** = Astronomy Net Control Operators )
Do you have an Astro-Photo that YOU have taken recently? If so, send it via e-mail to our webmaster  and we'll feature our listeners' Astro-Photos on the SWAOG Astro-Photos Page!
(JPG format preferred, 100KB max, please)
Sergio - AK9S
John - KN9R ***
Dave - KC9KPQ ***
Mark - KB9WLX
 E-mail the Astronomy Net Control Operators  to:
* Request info or a QSL Card from the SWAOG group
* Share astronomy-related news or articles
* Let us know if you listen to the Astronomy Net on a scanner, but can't check in because you are not a licensed Amateur Radio operator
* Ask astronomy-related questions
* Become a SWAOG Net Control Operator!!
* Let us know that you'd like to go out observing with us 


SWAOG Favorite Astronomy Links:
SkyMaps.com  (download the monthly sky map!)
Earthlights  (satellite view of the Earth at night!)
ScopeReviews.com  (astronomy equipment reviews)
Cloudy Nights.com  (more equipment reviews)

Click Here to join us on the SWAOG Discussion Group


SWAOG facebook page

 If you are interested in joining us as a Net Control Operator for the SWAOG, please contact us at net-control@swaog.com. 


SWAOG Member Personal Home Pages:
Objects in the Heavens  (Peter's New Book)
Gary's Astronomy Page  (*Astronomy Net MP3 files*)
Jeff's Astrofest Page  (Astrofest 2005 Info & Reg. Forms!)
Jeff's Lunar Eclipse Page  (10/27/04 eclipse photos)

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