*** SWAOG Astrophotos Page ***

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These photos were submitted by SWAOG members and listeners.  If you have an astrophoto that you have taken
recently, send them to our
(jpg format, 100 kb max preferred)
Sunspot Group 486 by Mark - KC9DSN (1/9/04)
Orion Nebula (M42) - February 26, 2004 by Sergio - AK9S & Mark - KB9WLX
Canon Digital Rebel & 8-inch Meade SCT / 30 second exposure @f/10 – 1600 ASA
The Moon taken on October 16, 2006
by Sergio - AK9S from Phoenix, AZ using a Williams Optics 80FL scope and a Canon 30D camera
Don - KB9SWI's Venus/Pleiades Conjunction
taken on Saturday, April 3rd, 2004
Mark's (KB9WLX) M31 picture from the 2nd Annual SWAOG Camping/Astronomy Trip in Galena on the weekend of 8/13/04!
Oct. 27th Lunar Eclipse photo by Mark - KB9WLX
Don's (KB9SWI) photos of Comet Machholz C/2004 Q2 taken on January 6, 2005.
Mark's (KB9WLX) photo of the Supernova in M51 taken
August 2005.

Join us for the next SWAOG Observing Session  (and take some of your own astro-photos to display on this page)!

If you would like to attend our next SWAOG Observing Session, check in to the next Astronomy Net to let us know you're coming, and CLICK HERE for a map & directions, current sky conditions, and other SWAOG Observing Site Information  Our list of scheduled SWAOG Observing Sessions is here, too.

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the monthly Sky Map  (very helpful aid in learning the night sky!)