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WD9GVU's Amateur Radio Page   

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Hi, my name is Jeff, and thanks for stopping by my Amateur Radio Page.

QTH: Lombard, IL. (approximately 20 miles west of Chicago)
Grid: EN51xu

I have been a licensed Amateur Radio Operator since October 1977, and have had my FCC Commercial Radio License since 1982.

I am an ARRL Member, a Hamfester's Radio Club Member, and a member of several local Repeater Clubs.

Check out the following local Chicago Area Amateur Radio NETS:
Maverick Amateur Radio Club, Joliet IL. Swap Net - 147.300 /+600 FM, 94.8 Hz. PL, Wednesdays at 9:00 PM
(CLICK HERE to visit the Maverick Amateur Radio Club's Swap Net Page)
Hamfesters Radio Club - 28.410 SSB Sunday at 8:00 PM, & 146.430 FM Simplex, Mondays at 9:00 PM
SkyWarn Net - 147.330 /+600 FM, No PL, Tuesdays at 8:00 PM
SWAOG / Astronomy Net - 145.430 /-600 hz. FM, 107.2 PL, Thursdays at 8:30 PM
DuPage Amateur Radio Club Tech Net - 145.430 /-600 FM, 107.2 PL, Mondays at 8:00 PM and.......
Northeastern Illinois Emergency Net - 442.900 repeater w/114.8 PL, Mondays at 8:00 PM

*** 147.060 MHz. FM no longer transmits 300 baud, Bell 212A compatible, weather-related information  :-(  ***

One of my other hobbies/interests is astronomy. Visit my astronomy page at:

(Last Updated: 2/15/11)
I operate on the following amateur bands:

HF: 10 thru 160, occasionally listen to 7.258 / MidCars
10 Meter SSB (28.410 SSB & 28.185 SSB Packet/1200 baud)
6 Meter FM & SSB (52.525 FM & 50.130 SSB)
2 Meter FM & SSB (147.300, 145.430, 145.190, 144.410 FM and 144.200 SSB)
220 FM (224.100 & 223.500 MHz.)
440 FM (442.875 & 446.000 MHz.) and.......
900 FM (902.000 - 928.000 MHz.)
My preference is still VHF & UHF activity, as it was when I first got my license.
I operate an Amateur Radio Packet BBS (callsign = WD9GVU) with ports on the following frequencies:
145.050 MHz., 145.650 MHZ., and 50.620 MHz. (all FM/1200 baud).  (***June 2007 Update: I no longer have 145.050 MHz., 145.650 MHZ., and 50.620 MHz. packet on the air - severe drop in local packet activity)

I have a separate stand-alone packet station (WD9GVU-2) that I move between 50.620 MHz. FM, 145.070 MHz. FM, 145.090 MHz. FM, 28.185 MHz. SSB, and a few other frequencies (all 1200 baud).
*** February 2002 Update: WD9GVU-2 is now operating split RX & TX on 145.800/145.990 for International Space Station (ISS) operation. Watch for my packets to be digipeated through the ISS, whose packet alias is currently designated as "RS0ISS-3"! If you see packets from WD9GVU-2 on 145.800 MHz., they have been successfully digipeated through the ISS.    Visit the ARISS Web Site for more ISS information!

Node Name:  "WEST" Digi Alias: "GVU3" (WD9GVU-3).
(not in service at this time, looking for a new home)

I have also experimented with RS-12 and RS-13 Satellites (2 mtrs SSB uplink, 10 mtrs SSB downlink)
and SAREX Satellites (2 mtrs uplink and downlink, FM Voice & FM Packet).
Jan. 2001 Update: I haven't been doing much with the other satellites lately, been too busy with other things.

Please report any problems with this site to
